
5LitaTina and her husband share something in common with Lita, their "Circle of Trust" relationship.
When Kimberly [Founder of Oklahoma Boston Terrier Rescue] approached me [Tina] about fostering Lita, my husband and I were apprehensive and intimidated. What did we know about fostering an abused dog and one that disliked males, we asked of each other? And how were we going to ensure that she would be a happy success story?

After all, she had just spent over a month with Michael Mehtala of DogMethod.com. Could my husband and I uphold the standards of Michael, a renowned professional? We had no idea, but surely love would prevail.

So we said yes and on Saturday, February 13th, Miss Lita joined our little foster family, consisting of my husband, myself and two male Boston Terriers. With the crate, collar, leash, and dog bed in tow, Miss Lita found herself, once again, in an unknown surrounding and she was scared. We followed the advice of Michael and placed her crate in our living room so she could be in the center of all activity, seeing our loving interactions with each other and with our male Boston's (both from the Boston Terrier Rescue of Oklahoma). She stayed in her crate for days, only venturing out to eat and to use the doggy door to go outside and potty, which she quickly learned from her foster brothers.

1 LitaNoComeOutCrate

     When she first arrived and wouldn't come out of her crate.

All I know is that she is approximately two-years-old and was rescued from a shelter (a kill shelter, I believe). She was bred often and obviously abused by a human male, because of her frightened state around men. She had never had any social interactions, except those which were negative.


Lita readily connected with me, but not so with her foster daddy (my husband). Two weeks later, she wasn’t connecting with him or any other male that came to our house.

 One night, we finally broke through and into the heart of this precious baby. When Miss Lita saw me kissing my husband, it happened, she inched closer and closer. The only thing I could think of was to repeatedly say, "Daddy good, Miss Lita good."

Lita and her dad

Before we knew it, Lita was in her foster daddy's lap and licking his face down. Finally, we were both in her Circle of Trust. Next, I knew that we had to build her trust with our 24-year-old son who comes for frequent visits.




Just before our son’s next visit, she and I were sitting close to one another on the couch and I spoke to her in a calm voice.  “Now Miss Lita, your brother is coming over and I need for you to not bark, be scared or be upset,” I said. "Your brother loves you as everyone does. You don’t ever have to be afraid of men or anyone because no one is going to hurt you again.”


A couple of minutes passed, our son arrived and Lita didn’t bark at him! She was the calmest that I have ever seen. It was truly a God moment — I have prayed much, and still do, for Lita, for my husband and me to be the very best healers and foster parents. This breakthrough moment really showed that Lita is a very smart dog!

Fast forward to today.

Lita is well-rounded, happy and a love bug, transforming into a beautiful butterfly just before spring. Her healing signals growth, a new life being born and the cycle of a life starting once again. How perfect for this young two-year-old girl who had no loving human interaction, was just used to breed and was abused! In the short time after her rescue, she has learned to play fetch, show affection to her human by lying her head on one's chest or neck as if she were hugging, and speak! Yes, speak! Lita is very expressive, belting out long sighs and short, low word noises saying "play with me” or "I love you."

                   OUR BUTTERFLY LITA!

Being Lita’s foster parents has been one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives. We had never fostered before and didn’t know what to expect for Lita. My husband insists that the most loving family is found, enabling us to continue being foster parents to other fur babies in need.  We didn’t know what was to come after we said ‘yes' to fostering or what to expect. We took a leap of faith because we are passionate supporters of the Boston Terrier Rescue of Oklahoma, from whom we have adopted two beautiful Boston's.
As far as offering advice to anyone who is considering being foster parents: remember to keep open and honest communications with the rescue throughout. All parties must work harmoniously and in the best interest of the dog. If not, you have failed.

Simply said, rescue groups cannot survive without loyal and passionate volunteers, foster parents and advocates/supporters. Fostering is not about one's ego —Check that in and leave at the front door. The success of fostering is healing broken lives and enabling the placement of these babies in forever, lasting homes where they will thrive and be loved.

BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK NOTE:  Lita needs your help to find her forever family.  Will you help?  We would love to be able to announce that she has found you... She has been looking for you so to help her find you we have put her bio and photos in our ADOPT A BOSTON program.  She has come such a long way from her horrible beginnings and now is ready for adoption. To help we have linked the rescue's site and adoption application right here. http://bostonterriernetwork.com/index.php/adopt-me/522-522-adopt-me-lita.html

You do not live in Oklahoma, but might be interested in her? Please contact the rescue directly and ask them.  Contact Boston Terrier Rescue Oklahoma at info@btrescueoklahoma.com

Have you ever wondered about becoming a foster parent? Would you like to learn more?  Just contact us at info@bostonterriernetwork.com and we will get your questions answered. 
You might like to read these articles:
Because of Annabel is the Reason "it is just a hobby."
The Rescue World: Responsible Selection of a Boston For Your Family
Young is out and old is in!
Who knows why? From a Fosters Mom's Point of View
You are needed.  One by one, you and thousands of Boston lovers are making an impact. Each dog’s quality of life is important to us. For many of our friends these dogs are almost children. For each dog fostered remember, that is one less dog on the streets or in a kill shelter. In the words of Tina, fostering can... "Fostering is one of the most rewarding experiences of your lives".
Edited by: Julie Bradford


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