WigglesHello and thank you for this opportunity to share my passion with you all. My name is Eiffion Ashdown I'm a 38-year-old father and I live with my family of ladies in a seaside city in the United Kingdom (UK) called Brighton. My passion which has now started a life of its own is why I'm here today chatting with you. Unofficially (for now) I own England's largest private bulldog collection.



I started this about eight years previous and estimate that I own around four thousand different pieces from two-hundred-year-old Japanese baby faced figurines to custom made one offs and everything else in between. I'm doggy mad and grew up all my life with dogs around me and the reason why I chose the bulldog to collect was for investable purposes, my all-time favorite breed is the boxer dog. Our lifestyle is too small for a boxer, so we do have a real bulldog too called Wiggles whom we rescued late last December.

Two-hundred-year-old Japanese figurine

Over the past year or so I have found myself the interest of other websites journalists and well-wishers that love what I'm doing and send emails of encouragement, I'm currently working with a journalist whom will be doing a feature for one of our big papers over here in the UK called the Guardian. The journalist is one of two that are currently working with me to make a feature presentation and hopefully get some much needed exposure for my website Collectibulldogs.com.

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So for a while now my front room at home has resembled a bulldog shrine, and a cross into an antiques shop. I get immense pride every time I go in as I myself still cannot believe I've finally found my calling and my only regret is I did not start this sooner. Apart from my own promotion I help out start up pages, groups collectors email responses. Well basically anyone that needs it and all I ever ask for in return for my work is a smile and a thank you. I believe in helping others not for a reward but because I think helping each other is much better than filling the pockets of greedy people just for the same privilege while we become slowly more hidden behind our screens paying for things like clicks and key words (tut tut).

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Finally, let me say that I am not a business, I'm a collection and blogging website and I do occasionally sell to other collectors but as I'm not driven by money I prefer swaps to any other form of exchange, I know I have a Boston terrier in my collection as my friend from Poland got me one a while back. I will finish for now by saying thank you for reading my blog and for having a slightly different demographic doing a guest write up I love writing I love my collection so it's all perfect.  Do you have any collectibles that you would like to show me I sure would be interested and the breed doesn't matter in fact I love seeing pieces new to me as you can imagine I've seen literally thousands of bulldogs either mine or the groups.  Keep safe one and all and to anyone that does. Happy collecting.......Eiffion 

BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK NOTE: Please visit Eiffion's website  Collectibulldogs.com. you can also find him on Facebook at  Eiffion ashdown collectibulldogs


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