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BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK wants to warn you about two of our friends... Some of you might have run into them before.  When you only hire volunteers, your choices of help can be limiting. Scott Edwards, with Talent on Loan from Leroy Brown the Boston Terrier, is a graphic artist with an overblown idea of his skills with a computer and a mouse clicker.

Most of the time you can find him on the couch with a cup of coffee, watching reruns of This Old House and pushing the cursor around his laptop, trying to design logos and group page headers for Facebook auctions sites that help raise money for Boston Terriers. (Although he has been known to cheat on the breed and design stuff for other types of animal rescue.)

Once he made a group header for an Italian rescue group. Nobody spoke the same the language, so the design process was like trying to nail jello to a fence post. But it all worked out in the end. He does most of the design work for free and as he says, “It’s my way of helping so that the money spent on logo designs can go to the dogs instead.” It’s more a case of his narcissistic need for people to look at what he’s doing. But that’s another story. Scott's biggest claim to fame, other than the fact that he’s six foot six, kinda broad at the shoulders and narrow at the hips, is that he’s part of the management team behind Leroy Brown the Boston Terrier. A fifty dollar Craigslist find that was near death, which looked and smelled like a dirty dish rag. Leroy's trip from near death to a full recovery and living a happy healthy life has been chronicled in his very own Facebook page, where the joke is usually at the D.A.D.’s expense and the Pretty Mama is the greatest mama ever.

We are happy to be able to announce that Leroy Brown and Scott Edwards (aka D.A.D.) have agreed to join our graphic staff.

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Edited by Jan Mitchell


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