

If you have cats and dogs you are more than likely battling to keep your dogs from “helping” you keep the cat’s litter box clean.  Perhaps you are still fighting the battle?  Maybe you have given up?

Hope is not lost.  There can be ways to win this war and in the process minimize your cat’s stress as well as your dog’s digestive upset.  

Why Do Dogs Eat Cat Poop?

No one really knows for sure.  It is most likely because it tastes like cat food.  Anyone who has had a dog knows that most dogs will eat anything if given the opportunity.

Is Cat Poop Dangerous For Dogs?

It certainly can be!  Not only can eating cat poop cause digestive upset for dogs, but it can also be a source of transmission of intestinal and other parasites.  Can you say YUK!


 Watch Out For These Signs If You Suspect Your Dog May Have Eaten Cat Poop

  • Lack of appetite
  • Decreased energy
  • Vomiting
  • Painful abdomen
  • Diarrhea
  • Bad breath, and of course, litter between their teeth!

 I hope you notice this before you get a big, wet sloppy kiss!


Six Tips To Help You Keep Your Dog Away From The Litter Box

  • Put the litter box in a room behind a baby gate.  If you have a large dog, lift the baby gate several inches off the ground - high enough that your cat can shimmy under, but your dog will be left looking in the room.  If your dog is as small as your cat, then lower the gate to the ground and try putting a cat climbing tree on either side of the gate - this will give your cat an easy path to the box while your dog can just sit and admire your cat’s nimbleness.  
  • Use a gate hook and eye, or another set-up, to leave your basement, bathroom or closet door open wide enough to allow your cat to pass in and out while keeping your dog out.  (This will not work if your cat is the same size as your dog).
  • Install a cat door (such as the Cathole) into your bathroom, closet or basement door. If your dog is small enough to pass through the door, consider installing one that has a magnetic lock flap that your cat’s collar would open.
  • Put a litter box behind a couch, blocking off your dog’s access with a strategically placed baby gate or another piece of furniture.
  • Put the litter boxes up on a laundry table or countertop that your dog can’t reach.  Just be careful that your cats can easily reach the boxes, especially older cats that might be suffering from arthritis or other painful conditions.  
  • Try some DIY ideas.  Just be aware that many cats prefer to have their litter boxes uncovered and that preference will be even stronger if each time they try to exit the covered box they are greeted by their dog’s smiling face.  You can minimize the likelihood of this happening by making several entrances and exits for your cat to choose from.

It is a noble quest you are on!  The stress of sharing a litter box with the slobbery canine residents can cause your cat enough stress to bring on urinary problems.  The frequent litter box raiding will almost certainly cause your dog digestive upset, as well as a very unpleasant feeling you will get upon noticing the litter stuck between your dog’s teeth only after he has just licked your face!

 chiyo oncrateChristy

 Edited by:  Jan Mitchell


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