About Us

BTN 500In its role as the owner of the Boston Terrier Network™ (BTN™) logos, Boston Terrier Network™ (LCNWA™) has the legal responsibility to protect its integrity, including all of its various forms and uses.

To maintain the credibility and integrity of the Boston Terrier Network™ (BTN™) logo as a trademark, Boston Terrier Network™ must protect it from any intentional or misguided use. These guidelines do not give presumptive approval for the use of the character and/or name. Individual written, prior approval must be obtained by application to Boston Terrier Network™.

Boston Terrier Network™ will rely on community organizations and the general public to follow these guidelines as to Boston Terrier Network™'s usage and to report any misuse or unauthorized use of the Boston Terrier Network™ logo and all Boston Terrier Network™ logos.


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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.


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